Thursday, February 10, 2011

I am the smartest idiot alive!!!

So, another day, another decision to make - and this time, it's a big one: when one is in Europe, where does one go for the weekend???

I've been pondering this AWFUL question for the past week; and it is awful, because I have too many choices - and they are all awesome. Because this is Europe! Do I stay in Italy and inflict my Italian, like a plague, on the poor and unsuspecting inhabitants? Cinqueterra? Milan (Shoes!!)? Sicily? Siena? (Is close, at least!!) Or, for two measley days do I jump a train to Prague, Croatia, Greece?

Why am I even naming countries and cities? There are a million to choose from!!The real quesiton is, what do I want?

I know! I want to stay here for the whole of 2011 and see them all!

Yeah. Fuck off universe, I hear you. I will be returning to Australia in exactly 4 weeks. How repugnant! Lol.

So, thus the reason for my quandry: 4 weeks equals 4 weekends. 3 actually, because the last one is taken. Oh My God!! I have to see the rest of Europe in 4 weeks!!! Why the hell did I stay so long in Florence???

Because I love it :-). And, excellent news on the news front - I PASSED LEVEL ONE!!! After saying no to too many bevvies all week, I managed to spit in the face of ci (HORROR), pronomi (TERROR) and essere and fare (the devil and the antichrist respectively). When yesterday I was running to the bathroom to cry quietly in the foetal position under the sink (no, not really but it could have happened - and my classmates thought that was why I was going!!) today, like Rocky, I was punching the air in triumph!!! While yesterday, I wanted to punch Italian in the face!!! (No,not really!!)

My analogy worked! I wonder if I should also go for a run up some stairs. Will I get fit in one single montage of exercise like Rocky did? And lose the 4 course dinner I had the other night (and the gelati I've had every day?!!!)? Hmmm. 4 course dinner ...

Food is good!

Anyway, enough bullshit. I passed, Florence is ace and all is well. Except for the fact that I can't seem to download my photos, but if that's my biggest problem today I can live with that! And I'm sure I will also decide where I want to eat dinner momentarily, whether it will be pizza or pasta, and if I want the boots with fur on them, or without - those swanky black ones.

Hmm. Do you hate me for the kind of decisions I have to make right now?? Is a far cry from when the year 12s will do the SAC and what will we do in the meeting!!!!

Now, about that weekend? Sheesh! Maybe I will decide on Saturday :-)

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