Sunday, December 26, 2010

Technology is the root of all evil. Seriously.

Hmmm. It would seem that I am a little more marooned than yesterday. First it was my camera, now my little baby netbook has shit itself. What IS it with me and technology? No, seriously! I tucked it up all nicely in its little pink cover between use; gave it anti-virus vaccinations ... I'm no expert, the thing itself seems to be working so I'd say its Windows. And I thought I hated Apple ...

So, things just got a little bit more inconvenient - it sure was fun being able to skype and facebook on those long, boring waits for trains, planes and automobiles.

I hate technology. And apparently, it hates me right back!

But it's been another great couple of days - including Christmas. Christmas on one's own can be hard, but there was a lot to keep my occupied, and it all started with food! After Paris, I am starving myself, because all I have done since I got here is eat, and over Christmas Eve/Christmas, I went ballistic - and it was divine! On Christmas Eve, I went out for dinner - a delightful little creperie - before deciding it might be worth it to go to church at Notre Dame. Just cos it's Notre Dame!

It wasn't.

The spectacle was fun to start with: soldiers with machine guns (cos, Christmas spirit and all, what says it better than machine guns?!) And standing room only, underneath the massive organ.

But it was all dowill hill from there. Church actually can get more boring - when you have NO IDEA what they are saying!! So I did it, but I'm not doing it again!!!
Paris kind of closed down after that. For a city that had been pumping since the moment I arrived, from about seven o'clock on Christmas eve, it was a ghost town, and waking up on Christmas Day I was afraid I would see the same thing.

Not a chance!

Paris on Christmas day was thriving. Every butcher, baker and candlestick maker (or chocolatier) was open flogging their wares to Parisienne families for their Christmas lunch. I ate so much fresh produce, I didn't think I'd have time to eat a proper lunch myself. But I did. Foi gras (gross); Chervre crepes (yum!) and tart tatin. Delicious! My mouth is still watering - all washed down with some very nice wine, of course!

After lunch, I went for a four hour walk up to the Sacre Couer, over to the Eiffle Tower and back. Now I have blisters and spent an exorbitant ten dollars on bandaids!! My Christmas Day finished with the best hot chocolate I have ever had at Chez Magots - Ernest Hemingway's favourite drinking spot - and a stroll down the Boulevard Saint Germaine for the Christmas markets. P.s. Magots was a very classy establishment, and I looked like a veritable bucket of shit after a four hour walk in the wind - not to mention my backpacker-style ensemble. It was funny how they turned their noses up at me!!!

Today, I am off to Madrid. It's been quite an adventure trying to work out how in the hell to get to Beuvais airport, so I THINK I am going to Madrid, anyway!

But Paris, don't forget me - I will be back. In just a few weeks, actually, to catch up with some friends. Au Revoir!

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