Friday, December 16, 2011

Roma via China = starbucks and catfood.

This first part was written about thirty hours ago, as I waited in China.

Arrived in Beijing. 9 hour overlay and facebook appears to be blocked. And blogger. I would swear at them now, but maybe there is a tracking device in this computer and I will be killed. The security staff at Beijing ariport do NOT look happy to be alive.


Sort of. Scariest moment ever when they scanned my hand luggage - then ran it through again. And then again. Thought I might lose my maltesers, and that would have been truly sad. China Air made an announcment just before breakfast that, due to freight restrictions, they didn't have enough meals. I kid you not. They kindly requested that people who didn't intend to eat it resist taking one. As breakfast was fish curry, I found it quite easy to resist, actually.

I'm putting it out there - China Air sucks. And I'm not just being a negative nancy; it was freezing and they wouldn't give me blanket because they didn't have any of those spare either. I felt like I was flying in the cold war. Maybe a big fuck you to captialism? I can't work out how else they'd survive being so tight. But I'm having fun laughing at all the contradictions.

For example, we arrived at five am. Before we got off the plane we were adivsed to put our coats on as it's minus 6 degrees. I disobeyed; I'm not going outside am I?


I really love the juxtoposition existing between walking around freezing my arse off because they won't turn the heaters on, and this is also literally the biggest duty free shopping precinct outside of Dubai I have ever seen. (So yes, am having fun!!!) This is not the China we learned about at school!!! ha ha. I was also quite looking forward to getting a Chinese meal, but all they have open so far (it is early) is a Starbucks and a Pizza Hut!!! American!!!!! I had a starbucks. Sad face.

It only got worse when I got on the plane again. For the first leg, I was greeted to empty coke can and rubbish on my seat - there is something disconcerting about a dirty plane. I will admit, when it comes to my desk I am a filthy pig, but I am not looking after a one hundred million dollar aircraft, either. I do not know why, but when you see rubbish in the aisle, it does cross your mind that this plane is more likely to crash. It really does.
Sadly, my first thought upon arriving in Rome was not YAY i AM IN ROME it was, dear God I have to fly Air China again on the way home.
I just hope they dont serve cat food again. That was a really low moment in my life actually!
However, when in Rome! I am in Rome!!! I realised fairly early that I had left my memory stick at home, and even after traversing the streets for over three hours I am yet to find one - but it has been a great morning just walking. And eating gelati. And pretending I am Italian. Have realised once again the pitfalls of speaking it and the consequences of not understanding what people say back. Nodding my head and smilng thoughfully, throwing in afew bene and then just running seem to be working well. I have just about perfected the accent on my grazie and have eaten so much nutella gelati I may well be sick today. Totes!
My first port of call was the Trevi Fountain - just to throw in ten cents to ensure I am here next Christmas too! Since then, I have found the shopping district and I have admired the shopping district but I have so far restrained myself. I know, right! Another miracle on 34th street has occurred. (Most amazing Dolce and Gabbana shoes EVER however, and I will rue the day I did not at least ask if they would remortgage my house in exchange.)
Now. I am three and a half hours walk from my hotel ... I wonder where that means I actually am. And also, where is the question mark on this computer ...

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