Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pizza, Gelato and Roma Gypsies!

I am not generally a huge fan of Rome, but my two days wondering the streets were actually quite pleasant. Having seen everything before, I had little wish to spend my time in queues, so I spent my time on foot - only queuing to stick my hand in the della bocca della verita (that creepy lions mouth from only You with Robert Downey Junior. And Roman Holiday. With Gregory Peck.)

Should have wished for something else in the Trevi Fountain!!!

But there was more magic afoot.

Yesterday I made my way back to Florence - so excited as I saw the Duomo looming over me around the first bend, I am surprised I didnt pee my pants with pure and unadulterated glee! And I thought Florence was a postcard before - at Christmas, it is amazing! The lights, the Christmas trees, the carols. My snowglobe metaphor is more apt than ever. And though there is no snow, it is bloody FREEZING!!!

I was greeted almost immediately by old friends; I was almost excited that the scary gypsy in the purple coat was the first to hit me up for money - I am not pretending; it was her! She now has a purple skirt too, so I am proud of her for matching. Not so impressed that she swore at me when I wouldnt give her money, but the gypsies sure were out in force in Piazza Giovanni and I am a firm believer in fairness for all - and I cannot give money to all! There really do seem to be an explosion in the population in Firenze, and I wonder if it will soon be like it was ten years ago when tourists were literally set upon. My sister and I had to run down an alley this morning when we were ambushed by 5 of them. I know the language I am using is not very nice, but that is what it felt like. But if they are the only distasteful aspects of my wonderful days in my snowglobe city, then I can handle it!

Now, off to spend some euro at my favouite stores, eat pizza in my favourite restaurant - and a quick trip to Vivoli for the worlds best gelati! Tomorrow I start school! It has already been a fun day of practicing with my sister - we have fairly fluent conversations, I think - there is hope for me yet!

A domani!

1 comment:

  1. I was starting to wonder if Cint was even there with you. Glad to hear you chicks are chatting in Italiano together.
