Sunday, November 6, 2011

Good times! (Or, I'll be a painter yet!)

I just had one of the best weekends - mostly because of the awesome people I spent it with, and a very haemorraghic monkey. And though there’s probably nothing I can write that will do justice to the usual biting cynicism that quite naturally goes along with this blog, I have the most amazing picture to share with you all! It took me FOREVER to do Sunday night in the ads of Underbelly, so I hope you will appreciate my growing prowess with the paintbrush/temperamental touch pad thingy on my computer, and not be mean.

If you are mean I will simply hope you get an airborn strain of Ebola that has not yet been identified yet, will bleed out of your every orifice until not even Dustin Hoffman will be able to save you. (Yes. Part of my glorious weekend involved Outbreak, a packet of chips and some mighty fine Cadbury Dairy Milk. I will draw you the monkey later, and maybe even my representation of someone with haemorraghic fever - though you won't like it; it will be grim.)

But these are my girls.

My first group sitting. Lol.

Those in it will recognise themselves in the incredible likeness! I have included the little babies in their mummy’s tummy’s – it was a baby shower, after all, so their presence must be noted. And it’s a pretty kick-arse couch, even if I do say so myself.

And obviously, I do!

I would have drawn genitalia, except that one might be a secret and the other one is a surprise. I think it’s a girl, though. I have an almost 100% track record of being wrong, however, so that might mean it’s a boy – not hedging my bets, just saying that I have no claims to being a psychic. I am extremely modest in my abilities and therefore do not profess to have attributes which clearly I do not. I can humbly attest to being good at nothing much in particular.

But if you say I’m crap at Microsoft Paint, I will kick your arse because CLEARLY I am monumentally awesome.

After the delights of my afternoon with my oldest, best-est friends, on Sunday I had an equally entertaining time at the Tutankhamen Exhibition.

You know what’s coming now, right?

This is Tutankhamen. I know! It’s just so realistic looking, I could seriously have pillaged it from the original tomb which was found by British plunderer – I mean archaeologist – Something Carter on the 4th of November 1922! I’d draw him, but I can’t even remember his name let alone what he looked like. I may also have the date wrong.

Good times, weekend, good times. Now, bring on the next one!!

(Also - ready to take commissions upon request! Ha ha ha ha ha).