Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chick shit with wit = IT!!!!

Right, so my quest for glory has taken a new turn and become a quest for money. I admit it: I am a capitalist, damn straight, and my many years of whoring my writing for the "big" bucks has given me a taste for the good life - now I want to make it a great life, so I can circumnavigate the globe 5 times, buy a mansion and adopt a child or 6 - and be able to afford good childcare, of course! I also figure the Nobel Prize will come easier if I don't have to work a day job, and the not-working-day-job definitely requires a blockbuster of the purest pulp (or several) to bankroll it - so there is a grander plan, I'm not just a materialistic bourgeoisie slave to writing amorality. (Well, ok, I am but we don't have to talk about it now, and we'll see who's judging who when I have a kazzillion dollars AND the Nobel prize).

So - the grand plan. Mills and Boon? Chick Lit - or should I say, chick shit, but it will be chick shit wit because I can be really funny when I want to be? Or chick shit wit tit - because it will be salacious and titilating of course!

Picture this: slightly neurotic girl with OCD tendancies meets Jewish nurse athiest who has already disappointed family by becoming a nurse and so won't marry said gentile with OCD tendancies until she falls off a cliff one day (very topical at the moment) ... and one of them has a change of heart.

Can I hear you vomiting?

Or is it the sound of money spewing forth from my own personal ATM? I think so!!


  1. Don't give away your plot!!! This is the internets, someone might steal it!

  2. ha ha ha. But maybe it's my pseudo-plot! And let's be honest - it sounds crazy!!!
