Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Computers and I are not friends!

Well, it’s been a few days now and I have done a few things to advance my writing career:

I have sent out a message asking practically everyone I know on the planet what fish food tastes like, in case I ever need to describe such a taste. Oddly enough, there were a few replies – gritty, salty and fishy seems to be the consensus!

I have found the contact details of a freelance editor I went to university with. So that, should I ever need to, I can at least contact an editor.

I’ve done next to nothing to move towards ever needing to contact a freelance editor. Even to say hi!

And, I have been convinced to start up a webpage. Because the URL that would contain my name is still available. And this, apparently, is a good enough reason!

Those that know me will also know how much I detest technology. Don’t get me wrong, I love google and fancy expresso machines as much as the next person, but I was once asked to design a faculty webpage for work, and the reaction can best be described as shortness of breath and chest pains.

Me and computers are not really friends.

We fake it. We mix in the same circles, of course – I am on one to write this, obviously - and I love receiving emails and googling, so our acquaintance is regular and friendly, but ask me to do anything beyond this (like use an interactive whiteboard – 5 hours of PD and I can’t even turn one on) and the relationship gets nasty. Very, very nasty.

But apparently, every budding writer has their own webpage – not a blog, but one they pay for. Why you’d want to pay for something that will, in the set up, strip years off your life is something I am still coming to terms with.

The hopefully not last words of KatMol: io la stupida e computare. Multo!

1 comment:

  1. Just pay for a domain name... then keep doing what you are doing with blogspot.com
