Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tamsin the Terrifying Turtle

I am too tired to write today. That said, I will probably come back and edit this later, and it will become some epic tale about cupcakes and caterpillars on bicycles, and you will know my fatigue was just a temporary road block to successfully blogging.

The fact that I just rambled all that shit, however, probably proves how tired I still am!

I am intrigued by the idea of caterpillars on bicycles, however, and sense a new childrens' book is now on the cards. As has been discussed previously, I am now fully into writing stories for children. They have not yet been published either, but I find the heartache of spending eleventy-billion years on a full manuscript that will never get published FAR more gut-wrenching than 1,000 words. I am sure Tamsin the Terrifying Turtle will be the first picture story book to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Yep. Damn straight. Especially when it has illustrations like this:

This is Tamsin the terrifying turtle; she is a prima ballerina!

Isn't she terrifying?!!
No! Not in that way. Don't be rude!
I have the great idea that I could illustrate my entire text about Tamsin and her grasshopper friend, using Microsoft paint. You may laugh, but I will have the very LAST laugh, I am sure!

I am that good :-)

Shut up. You are not having any of my millions now.

This weekend I will draw Phoebe Grasshopper at the the Duomo. It will be molto meraviglioso! No, seriously.

P.S. This is Katie Katerpillar, who can't afford a good bike because she keeps spending all her hard earned caterpillar dosh going to Italy. Based on a true story, although some events are fictional - the real Katie would seize the opportunity to wear a lot more shoes :-)

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